Renovation and refurbishment of existing buildings is becoming more and more important as space and resources are often limited, especially in urban areas.

Renovation and refurbishment of existing buildings is becoming more and more important as space and resources are often limited, especially in urban areas.
Finally, if the existing building is in poor condition, the question will definitely come up: renovate or demolish and build new? To come to a decision, different factors have to be considered: your aims, desires, the state of the building and the investment involved. A general rule is that renovation makes sense as long as renovation costs are lower than 80% of the newly built value. Another question is whether your expectations and changes are feasible with the existing building. What is the architectural value of the building and, last but not least, what is the emotional value that you connect with the existing building? Often it is advantageous to involve an architect to help you with this decision, who will be able to tell you what the technical options are, what costs are involved and compare it to the construction of a new home.